Tuition must be paid by the 7th of each month, except September tuition which is DUE AUGUST 21st to ensure student placement before school starts. Tuition can be paid by check, cash, or credit card thru the Brightwheel app. An invitation for Brigthtwheel will be emailed early August. There will be a $25 fee for all returned checks.
Tuition does not provide for all expenses of the preschool and so fundraising is necessary. In order to place the responsibility of fundraising more evenly, the board has implemented a fundraising fee of $350 per family per school year. If a child enrolls mid school year (after January 1st) the fee is $175 per family. All remaining parent fundraiser fee's are due by May 7th.
Should you opt to participate in fundraising to essentially “work off” the $350 fee, opportunities may be presented to accumulate hours by attending and participating in meetings, helping create and organize events, or help with cleaning opportunities for the classroom. These options can be discussed in further detail during our Open House. If, for any reason, fundraisers and events aren’t able to be held, the board reserves the right to waive this fee or prorate hours based on volunteer opportunities presented.
As stated in the Parent Handbook, I understand that if my tuition falls behind by TWO WEEKS or more, and payment arrangements have not been made with the Director, 3 to 5 Preschool reserves the right to deny admittance to my child (ren). If your child receives a scholarship, it may be revoked after 1 month due to nonpayment. If tuition payments fall behind by two months or more, 3 to 5 preschool will go to collections for the amount owed, if arrangements have not been made with the Director.
If for any reason a child must withdraw, a written notification is required 2 weeks in advance of leaving. In case of emergencies or special circumstances, it is the parent’s responsibility to make appropriate arrangements with the director. You are responsible for tuition charged during the notification period whether or not the child attends.